Central America

Central America is the thin section of land that links the North American continent with the South American continent. Geographically part of North America, it is made up of seven small, mostly tropical countries that have much more in common with
South America and Mexico than the more affluent north. A spectacular mix of culture, landscapes, people, animals and natual phenomena.

Best price guarantee and no booking fees

Best rate guaranteed

You get the best rate if you book directly and you pay exactly for what you reserve. There are no additional costs

More value for your money

More value for money

When you book directly, a hotel can offer you package deals and
complimentary perks such as free room upgrades

Best price guarantee and no booking fees

More flexibility

Hotels will often be more willing and able to help should you need to change your dates or even cancel when you book directly

Recommended hotels

We would like to recommend you our favorites. We've selected these hotels because these hotels have something special. Actually, even more than that; they stole our hearts.

Kura Hotel
Costa Rica, Uvita
Kura Hotel